How to sell your offering, without selling your soul.

Holistic Strategy, Copy-Writing and Web Design for Helping Professionals

A Labour of Love that sustains you.

Are you a helping professional in need of a business hand, a clear offering and a modern website?

I’ve got you. My name is Iri and I’m here to help you shape, share and sell your offering with confidence, integrity and joy. 

I guide you through a clear and easy process, from ground 0 to having a powerful offering, a modern website and a pathway to sustainable revenue from doing what you love. I call it a labour of Love that sustains you.

Discover some of my work

Discover your deepest calling.

Discover your deepest calling.

Let it lead your life.

Let it lead your life.

Make your business an abundant expression of it.

Make your business an abundant expression of it.

My service is for you if you…

  • have recently completed your coaching, psychotherapy or healing arts training and are on the threshold of new beginnings - excited and overwhelmed all at once

  • have already been sharing your service for sometime, yet it hasn’t had the traction you hoped for

  • struggle with the idea of selling your service through the usual marketing push: for you, your work is sacred, not  merchandise

  • doubt you have anything to offer, struggle with self-sabotage patterns or wait until everything is resolved within you to support others.

Don’t wait, dear One. This world needs you. I’m here to help you take the leap.

“Let the beauty

of what you love

be what you do.”
