My Mission

Life has shown me that we are only ever fulfilled in what we do when there is no separation between our natural expression of the heart and our work; when our soul’s desire for this life IS the essence of our work; when the talents that are God-given to us are unfolding effortlessly in our service, without us taking credit for them and without us disowning them either; when the inner and outer work become one and we share from lived experience, rather than from concepts we learnt; when the work we do is not only nourishing others, but also nourishing us. Deeply. 

When it feels inevitable. When we simply can’t help it.

This is the work of the heart - the inner purpose - and it burns like a beautiful fire that inspires others. It is my great joy to help you uncover it and live it.

Does this resonate?

About me

My name is Iri. I live in the South of Portugal with my small family, currently renovating our home and growing a garden.

In my late 20s and early 30s, I lived in London and had a “serious job” in finance.

I was affluent and successful by societal standards, very “senior” for my age, but my heart felt empty and out of place. I had an unnamable search for something other than material survival.

At the peak of my career (and the through of my soul), I took the leap to change my life.

I’m not gonna lie - this so-called “leap” happened at once but I was flying through the ether for quite some time before I found a steadier ground.

It took me almost a decade of trial and error to transition and find fulfilment on a deeper level. Through my experience and the lessons I learnt, I hope to shorten this time for you.

Today, I run a small therapy and yoga business from my home in nature.

Though I’m far from rich, it sustains me. It is what I always dreamed of, but I could have never imagined just how good and effortless it would feel to live my purpose. 

Helping people with their businesses and websites started quite spontaneously.

It turns out I have a clear analytical and direct mind by nature, which comes handy in business matters. But I also am drawn to the spiritual and a helping professional myself -  I know how important it is for people who want to serve to do so from the heart, without selling their soul in the usual marketing circus.

By now, I have a little portfolio of websites on SquareSpace, WordPress and WIX. I’m not the best website designer, nor am I a marketing expert, but I’ve learnt enough to be able to help you effectively.

What I do have is a passion to express your essence through your online presence. I love painting your transmission  in colours, fonts and online feel. I love seeing your heart shine through the website. I love feeling the fire of your authenticity burn through your message. I love seeing you reach the people who need you. I love seeing you spread your wings.

If you need support with your website and business, I am here and I do this work with much love, no bullshit and great care.

With Love,
