Shape, Share & Sell

your offering with confidence, integrity and joy

I guide you through 3 simple steps

  • 1. Shape it.

    How to formulate a clear and direct offering that speaks to those who need your help? Here, you will discover your niche (or reformulate it) and receive support to write an effective, well-structured, yet authentic website copy that speaks directly to your ideal clients.

  • 2. Share it.

    How to express your offering visually through branding and website design. Upon completion of this step, you will have a beautifully designed and modern website (preferably on SquareSpace), as well as a logo, colours and templates for your online presence.

  • 3. Sell it.

    Do these words make you uncomfortable? You are in the right place. Free yourself from limiting beliefs around money and self-worth to create a sustainable revenue. We will set a price in integrity, establish your main channels of outreach and balance nurturing with selling.

What makes this offering different

This is not just a web design service

For me, one cannot separate the practical from the profound. I see your work as an expression of your heart first and foremost. So we’ll start there, with some difficult but important questions.

And I am not just a web designer.

I’m a helping professional myself (a therapist and yoga teacher), with a previous background in business and finance. I understand both sides - the need for a sustainable revenue and the desire to serve. Not only can they coexist - they actually work together.

I help you formulate your deepest desire

not only for your business, but more importantly, for your life. I help you strengthen your resolve and fan your fire in the face of the inevitable challenges of life. From that solid foundation, we build your offering. The website is just the cherry on top of the cake.

I address the totality of you.

This includes the parts of you that doubt you have anything to offer. In fact, I’m mostly here for them. I’ve learnt (the hard way) that if we silence and ignore these parts, they will show up in our business. Together, we’ll learn to hold them gently and help them heal instead.


“You are what your deep driving desire is.

As your desire is, so is your will.

As your will is, so your deed.

As your deed is so is your destiny.”

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad


  • No. You may need targeted help that only pertains to one of the 3 steps mentioned above. I’m very happy to attend to specific questions and adapt to your needs. We can discuss the scope of the work and the estimated budget for it in our discovery call.

  • This very much depends on the scope of our work together, the complexity of your offering, your work pace and relative ease in decision making. This is an alive process of collaboration: you are fully involved from the beginning to the end. Therefore, I charge per hour - €50/h.

    For guidance purposes only, it takes on average 55h of my time to complete the full process from ground 0 to having your digital presence fully set up with a regular website with 4 main webpages. This costs €2,750.

    Step 1 - “Shape it” is the hardest step and takes approximately 25h or €1,250.

    Step 2 is equivalent to the typical web-design service you will find widely available. It takes 25h on average for the price of €1,250. Compared to other services out there, this is VERY affordable and I intend to keep it that way as I know the initial costs of setting up your business can be overwhelming.

    Step 3 takes around 5 hours and insures you have templates for your online communication, a booking system and pricing that works for you as well as the skills to continue on your own. €250.

    These prices do not include the domain purchase and hosting costs, the website builder platform fees and the costs associated with other tools and apps you might need for your long term marketing purpses (e.g. Canva, Adobe Express, booking system fees etc).

  • Yes. Reach out regardless and let’s talk about your budget and what is possibe within it to help you get started anyway. I may not be able to lead you through the whole journey, but I can set up the basis and help you walk in the right direction on your own.

  • I love and am quite experienced with SquareSpace. For many reasons (estetics, price, ease of use in the long run), I have a clear preference for this platform over others.

    However, I am open to design on WordPress and WIX too if this is your preference.

  • We will meet weekly on Zoom at a time that suits you. You will receive guided live support to discover, formulate and strengthen your offering, as well as written prompts and worksheets to continue refining it between sessions.

  • Your involvement is likely to be high - this is your website, your expression, your creative process. I am mostly here to support you as a mirror, focus your energy in an effective way, provide direction where wanted and needed, and finally execute the practical steps of creating your online presence. But you are in charge.

  • English mostly (and preferably), but I can also work just as well in French and Bulgarian. I understand Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, but I won’t be able to edit the copy in these 3 languages.

  • People who have previously worked with me shared that the whole process felt like a mystical journey of healing, freeing themselves of unconscious beliefs and finally stepping into their full power. Though I cannot always promise that, I warmly wish it to be so for you too. One thing I can promise is that this is not just a website design service.

  • You are still welcme, of course. In fact, my favourite part of this work is to help you discover and fully embody your inner purpose, your heart’s calling. What shape this work takes and whether you have a website or not is secondary. I’m here to help you live what you were always meant to, free from the beliefs and fears that stand in the way.

Ready to let your heart lead the way?